

Since I am the world's worse photographer I had this idea of posting more in videos.  Then this "BLOG" would be more of a "VLOG" (video blog.. for the grandmas and grandpas :)... we will see.. might be worth  a try.  I need to capture and record this little boy of mine somehow!  What do you think dear three or so readers of mine??

Secondly I keep thinking that I should post more about food.... because I think recipes and food tips are totally worth sharing!  Also I think if I have to record what I am eating I will be forced to be more accountable for what I am putting in my mouth...which is never at bad thing at this point in my life.


  1. A vlog sounds like a great idea. I can't see your "sleepyboy" post on my phone if it's a vlog I will have to look on my laptop later... Still waiting for results!!

  2. Awesome awesome awesome idea. Can't wait...
